
Showing posts from April, 2019

Happy Anniversary WDKX Radio

In 1999 I wrote this letter to the editor. It was published and I was then invited to join the Democrat and Chronicle Board of Contributors. Today WDKX Radio celebrates their 45th Anniversary I know over the past several weeks, numerous media outlets have featured stories about 104WDKX celebrating their 25th Anniversary. All of the stories have revealed the struggles and triumphs of owner, Andrew Langston. All of the stories have shown how a very small, but close knit family have created and maintained a very successful business. The story that hasn’t been told is the one about the Langston Family, the people behind the business. It was 1979 and I was 16 years old. Without getting into too many details, I was growing up in a very strained home environment. I was basically raising myself. I went to DKX to look for a job because I always dreamed of working at a radio station. I was in need of money to buy basic needs like clothes, shoes, lunch money, etc… Mr. Langston himself greeted ...