
Showing posts from February, 2018

The Deans List Celebrates Black History Month

Today: My Father and Grandmother This is the last day of Black History Month and I couldn’t decide who I would feature today.  I thought what a better way to close it out than to salute the two people that were the most important to me (other than my daughter): The one who is responsible for me being here by planting the seed, and the one who is responsible for me being who I am today by teaching and loving me. My father, Selven Dean, Jr. – March 8, 1922 – January 17, 1970 – Born in Winter Park, Florida – Veteran, Chef (first black chef at an upscale restaurant in Rochester – Royal Scot), Restaurant Owner (LB’s on Hudson Avenue) I don’t have many memories of my father since he died when I was 6. I remember him staying up all night roasting a pig in the backyard preparing for an after-party from my dance recital, I remember going to his restaurant he owned on Hudson Avenue and eating clams, I remember him dancing in his boxer shorts in the living room to one of hi...