The Deans List Celebrates Black History Month
Today: My Father and Grandmother
This is the last day of Black History Month and I couldn’t decide who I would feature today. I thought what a better way to close it out than to salute the two people that were the most important to me (other than my daughter): The one who is responsible for me being here by planting the seed, and the one who is responsible for me being who I am today by teaching and loving me.
My father, Selven Dean, Jr. – March 8, 1922 – January 17, 1970 – Born in Winter Park, Florida – Veteran, Chef (first black chef at an upscale restaurant in Rochester – Royal Scot), Restaurant Owner (LB’s on Hudson Avenue)
I don’t have many memories of my father since he died when I was 6. I remember him staying up all night roasting a pig in the backyard preparing for an after-party from my dance recital, I remember going to his restaurant he owned on Hudson Avenue and eating clams, I remember him dancing in his boxer shorts in the living room to one of his many jazz albums, I remember him almost attacking a man who cut him off in the car, but stopping because he had to comfort me and I remember his funeral. Everything else I know about my father, I’ve gotten from other people.
I know he was a strong and handsome man who was loved by all, especially the ladies! He was a hardworking family man who worked around the clock to make sure the house was taken care of. Not only did he take care of my mother and me, he provided for my mothers three other children she had before they got married. He was a protector too! I remember hearing the story about when the riots broke out in Rochester in 1964. My grandmother owned a restaurant called Mom's Place on Joseph Avenue near Nassau Street. My father stood outside of the restaurant all night, carrying a shotgun, and daring anyone to loot it. No one did! One thing that always comes across when people tell me about my father is that he loved me with his whole heart.
My grandmother, Ella Bell (Moore) (Dean) Ball – June 6, 1905 – January 28, 1988 – Born in Winter Park, Florida – Homemaker, Restaurant Owner (Mom’s Place on Joseph Avenue and Nassau St).
All of my good memories that led up to 1988, included my gram! She was the love of my life! The day I was born, she hopped on a train in Winter Park, FL and came to Rochester to be with me. From the day she arrived in Rochester, she was with me everyday and gave me unconditional love. She eventually moved back to Florida, but every Christmas and summer vacations, I was shipped off to Florida to stay with her. I am so grateful for the time I spent with my gram. At home, I didn’t have much supervision or many role models in my life, but the morals and love that my gram instilled in me, made me always stop before I did anything major and ask myself, “What would gram say/do?” I still do that to this day! I am who I am because of her!
The last couple of years that my gram was alive, she had the opportunity to spend time with her great-grand, my daughter Eloni Yawn. I am so thankful she had that chance. I was actually in the process of moving her back to Rochester when she passed. She was my rock, my best friend, my sister, my everything!
My Black History is Beautiful! I love and miss you Daddy and Gram!
My daddy and my gram have made The Dean's List
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