2017 - A Year Of Transition
Transition of Health - 2017 wasn't the easiest year for me, but as my friend Robyn would say, "You're still standing!" It was year three of dealing with my spine injury, I was recovering from major fusion surgery and began physical therapy. Two cages, two rods and six screws now hold my spine together. It's been difficult, but considering where I was and where I am now, it's an improvement! I need to begin to focus on other aspects of my health and try to make myself the strongest I can be. Strengthening my core is number one on my list as well as dropping some pounds!
Transition of Politics - This is one area all of you know where I stand both locally and nationally! Never have I been silent and never will! Nuff said!
Transition of Finances - I started the year finally getting checks for disability for the full year. If the process of being approved didn't kill me, nothing would! It was a relief to know I had an income and would be able to keep a roof over my head. I don't have anything extra and I do struggle, but I'm truly grateful for what I get!
Transition of Employment - I've had to accept the fact that I may not be able to work again. Not being pessimistic, just realistic. I have been working since I was 16 years old and usually have had two or three jobs at any given time. I miss working so much (my pocket REALLY does)!! I feel like I'm not contributing in any way. I've always tried to make a difference in any position I've held. It messes with my mind some times that when I wake up in the morning, I have no where to be. For those who know me also know that this is a hard one for me!! "Transition Under Construction" on this one!!
Transition of Dead Weight (for lack of a better description) - People come and go in our lives all the time. Some times there are arguments, disagreements, or often we just grow apart. For me, this year, the ones who are no longer a part of my life is because of decisions made by me. My body may be weak, but my heart has gotten stronger. I made the decision to no longer allow people to hurt me, but more than that, use me. I've always been a VERY giving person (I still am to a certain extent), usually being drained dry in the process! I realized those type of relationships weren't good for me and had to let them go!
Transition of Support - It's funny that there are times when the people you thought would have your back don't and the people you didn't even think would have your back do!! Over the last year I've built some new friendships. Some with people I've known for years and some I recently met. To say I'm blessed would be an understatement! I'm truly grateful and sure they will be lifelong friendships. Whenever I needed them, they were there. Too many names to list, but you all know who you are. I love you with my whole heart.
Transition of People - The question always comes up, "Where were you when?" You know, where were you when JFK was assassinated, MLK, 911, etc... I was laying in the bed at my BFF's house in Dallas watching TV. My cell phone rang and it was my friend Pooh. What he told me on that call changed my life! All I was able to do was hang up and scream! Nettie came running into the room to see what happened. It took me awhile to stop sobbing enough to tell her that my friend, my brother from another mother, Tony Boler had passed away. I have a blog with his name on it, but I'm still not ready to write it. Maybe I will on May 8, 2018. Maybe. I've at least stopped picking up the phone to call him (I still read his emails and text messages though). I shortened my trip to get back to Rochester for the funeral. After it was over and I read the last text I received from Tony telling me what I needed to do, I made a decision....Move back to Phoenix....
Transition to Phoenix - I had to ask myself the question, "Why am I staying in Rochester?" I had friends there as well as a few distant family members. I spent most days at home alone with TV and social media being my company. Not trying to sound too morbid, but my biggest fear has always been dying alone. Sitting at home all day allows for time to think too much. And then there is the weather. The cold and moisture in Rochester doesn't mix well with all the titanium in my spine. My daughter lives in Phoenix and I've lived here before, so I hired a moving company to move my items I couldn't part with and headed to Arizona. I wanted to be near her and live in a nicer climate.
Transition to Now - I'm now living in Phoenix, I have my own place, not far from my daughter. I love my new neighborhood! It's beautiful and peaceful complete with a hot tub and heated pool. I don't have a car yet (which is driving me crazy), but hope to have one by mid-year. I still need to find doctors here which is on my immediate to-do list. I've only had two days that the weather has kept me in bed which is WONDERFUL!!!! And best of all, the relationship with my daughter is as strong as it's ever been!!!
There were many life lessons learned, good/bad times, major changes and great heartache in 2017. I even crossed an item off my bucket list, took an Amtrak cross-country! I will try not to look back and live in the present. I'm claiming that 2018 will be better in every aspect of my life!
I wish all of you a very Happy and Prosperous New Year! God bless you all!
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